Mallory DelSignore wrote a new blog post The Finale in the group Nineteenth-Century Studies: 4 years, 10 months ago
I initially came into this semester having no knowledge of Victorian literature- what novels were considered Victorian, defining features, or major authors. I even didn’t know much about the historical context a […]
Mallory DelSignore commented on the post, Morris, How We Live and How We Might Live, on the groupblog Marginalia 4 years, 10 months ago
I think it is intriguing that he equates good health with pleasure and satisfaction, and he rejects abstaining from indulgence. By practicing severe self control and not indulging on the pleasures of life, he […]
Mallory DelSignore wrote a new blog post A Metaphorical Killing in the group Nineteenth-Century Studies: 4 years, 10 months ago
In The Ballad of Reading Gaol, the lines “Some love too little, some too long, /Some sell, and others buy; / Some do the deed with many tears, / And some without a sigh: / For each man kills the thing he loves, / […]
Mallory DelSignore wrote a new blog post The Hands of Great Expectations in the group Nineteenth-Century Studies: 4 years, 11 months ago
In his article, “Handling the Perceptual Politics of Identity in Great Expectations,” Peter J Capuano takes notice of all the numerous hand-related references throughout Charles Dickens’ novel, Great Expec […]
Mallory DelSignore commented on the post, Chapter 12, on the groupblog Marginalia 4 years, 11 months ago
Miss Havisham is encouraging this vicious cycle of class division between Pip and Estella. It seems like this may be for her own entertainment, as she is always prompting Pip to play with Estella, and to be […]
Mallory DelSignore edited the blog post The Emotional Puppeteers in the group Nineteenth-Century Studies: 4 years, 11 months ago
It’s extremely hard not to see such a direct connection between Chapter 8 of Great Expectations and Catherine and Heathcliff’s relationship at one point in Wuthering Heights.
“I had never thought of being […]
Mallory DelSignore wrote a new blog post Heathcliff is The Steam King in the group Nineteenth-Century Studies: 5 years ago
In the poem, “The Steam King” one passage in particular reminds me of Heathcliff’s decline and eventual death. “Those hells upon earth, since the Steam Kings birth / have scatter’d around despair; / For the human […]
Mallory DelSignore wrote a new blog post Isabella: The Underrated Character in the group Nineteenth-Century Studies: 5 years ago
I think one of the most underrated characters in Wuthering Heights is Isabella. In these chapters, we see her leave Thrushcross Grange and Wuthering Heights with her child on her own. Although we never really […]
Mallory DelSignore wrote a new blog post The Wuther of the Other in the group Nineteenth-Century Studies: 5 years ago
An overarching theme that our class has been discussing is gender ideologies and attributes depicted within Victorian literature. In response to this interest, Group 3 found Steven Vine’s article, “The Wuther of […]
Mallory DelSignore edited the blog post The Cry of Catherine and Heathcliff in the group Nineteenth-Century Studies: 5 years ago
Surprisingly, I found an intriguing connection between The Cry of the Children and Wuthering Heights. Since the infamous Catherine and Heathcliff love story in Wuthering Heights begins when they are children, I […]
Mallory DelSignore edited the blog post Connections in the group Nineteenth-Century Studies: 5 years ago
In Past and Present, Carlyle poses an interesting argument about the position of men in the middle of his anti lassiez-faire position. “Life was never a May-game for men: in all times the lot of the dumb m […]
Mallory DelSignore commented on the post, Democracy, on the groupblog Marginalia 5 years, 1 month ago
Is Carlyle’s view of morality determined by how a person acts in contrast to capitalist tendencies?
Mallory DelSignore commented on the post, Mill, Autobiography, on the groupblog Marginalia 5 years, 1 month ago
I think what I find so intriguing about this is that usually having feelings like this – until modern day – get brushed under the rug. Here is an actual published account of experiencing some sort of depression. I […]
Mallory DelSignore wrote a new blog post What I Hope to Learn in the group Nineteenth-Century Studies: 5 years, 1 month ago
Besides those times in AP Literature where I read Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights senior year of high school, I have no knowledge of what encompasses Victorian literature. To start, I would of course like to […]
Mallory DelSignore replied to the topic Favorite work of Victorian literature in the forum Nineteenth-Century Studies 5 years, 1 month ago
Wuthering Heights
Mallory DelSignore joined the group Nineteenth-Century Studies 5 years, 1 month ago
Mallory DelSignore wrote a new blog post Connections in the group Digital Humanities: 5 years, 5 months ago
I remember on the first day of class, I told my partner I was pretty proficient in computers. All those days I spent playing tech support for all my older relatives, and being the go-to graphic design girl in my […]
Mallory DelSignore wrote a new blog post Digital and Humanist: One in the Same in the group Digital Humanities: 5 years, 7 months ago
I still remember 2nd grade typing club like it was yesterday. Trudging down to the computer lab, to sit in front of a big mac, laying out my hands over the keyboard, just to secretly type with my pointer fingers […]
Mallory DelSignore started the topic Group 5 Question in the forum Digital Humanities 5 years, 8 months ago
In what ways is it useful to think of mathematics as a language? What are its drawbacks? Conversely, could translating human discourse into math obscure complex, human issues?
Mallory DelSignore joined the group Digital Humanities 5 years, 8 months ago
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