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Sonja Livingston Review

Sonja’s collection of essays, Queen of the Fall, is made up of stories that tells the reader about the struggles of woman. The piece she read for the reading was Mock Orange. Mock Orange refers to a tree that is not an actual tree because it bears no fruit. Sonja spoke of “Juno”: the movie, and the roman goddess, when she spoke about her niece who says that she is “lesbian.” As it is later revealed her niece is not lesbian and becomes pregnant at the age of sixteen. Sonja tries to be there for her niece and didn’t judge instead she accepted it and still saw her as beautiful. The struggles of a young mother aside from having a kid, like the judgment of her peers, is not something that is bad in Sonja’s mind ꟷ although she would’ve rather seen her niece get pregnant later. When writing a piece Sonja enjoys a little distance because, “If you are crying while writing it you are not ready.” Also time allows it to develop and gives the writer the ability to view it from a distance. She had no pointers on how to begin writing she says it just has to come to you basically. As she revises she has people read her pieces and pieces she thought might not fit, when read by another, do fit. She publishes some poetry but she characterizes her poetry as “too chatty” and wants to make it less obnoxious. This reading was an interesting snapshot of the world of troubled woman, and Sonja was very entertaining.

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