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John Gallaher

You are currently viewing a revision titled "John Gallaher", saved on September 27, 2015 at 7:43 am by Maria Smith
John Gallaher
This past Monday (9/21/15) I had the pleasure of attending John Gallaher’s poetry reading. Prior to this, I was unfamiliar with his work, yet after hearing his poetry and learning more about Gallaher himself, I can honestly say that I am a fan. Gallaher started the session by reading poems from his latest work, In a Landscape. All of his poems were rich with imagery, and concrete particulars, they drew the reader in, transporting the reader through time and space. He had the ability of making something as simple as a car passing seem meaningful, it was inspiring. Yet, what was even more impressive than the reading itself was Gallaher describing his process. When writing poetry, he writes whatever pops into his head, believing that that thought was meant to end up in his written work. This, he claims, leads him to “new and unexpected places.” Personally, I had never heard of such a process, but after attending the session I tried it out for myself, and found that Gallaher was right. To write with such an open mind allows for different thoughts to emerge. I ended up writing something totally different than I had originally planned. Gallaher’s reading was both educational and enjoyable. His work was detailed, moving, and powerful. The way he transformed the most simplistic elements of life was remarkable. I can only hope that one day I am able to do the same.

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September 27, 2015 at 12:43 pm Maria Smith
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