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American Studies’s Docs A State of Confusion

You are currently viewing a revision titled "A State of Confusion", saved on February 7, 2019 at 6:38 pm by Abbie Sorell
A State of Confusion
Transferring from SVA in Gramercy Park, Manhattan to SUNY Geneseo in... what seems to be a mix between Buffalo and Wyoming (Nowhere) My experience at SUNY Geneseo has been an unfortunate one in that I got accepted less than a week before moving in, got very sick the first two weeks of classes and am now in a constant state of confusion and terror. The terror is fine, it's really only because I missed classes and am now trying my absolute damndest to catch up and not doing that great of a job. So far I've learned that when I'm sick, I shouldn't try to read because I will only forget it instantaneously and have to start over once I'm healthy. I'm better now though I gotta be honest, it'll be another month before I can fully wake up or breathe through my nose. The number one thing I'm noticing now that I can leave my room is, there is a weird amount of southern culture here? I've heard three separate southern accents, country music is playing literally wherever I go, and the church bells give this campus a very Twilight Zone vibe. So uh, what gives, where am I? On the bright side, there is little to no chance that my roommates will ever accidentally cut part of their finger off with an exacto-knife trying to finish a collage project due later that day. That is a stress that's exclusive to art school-I think. And the lack of cockroaches and rats is nice. Here, when I think I see a squirrel, it's actually a squirrel and not something horrifying. I mean this all in good fun, but I had no idea what western New York was like until I got here. Hopefully soon, I'll understand the strange ways of this land and catch up on my homework.  

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February 7, 2019 at 11:38 pm Abbie Sorell
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