• Adam Zaki posted an update 9 years, 7 months ago

    As the semester as gone on, I have realized the legitimacy of criticism for being an english major. As I read Cane, Interdisciplinary, and They Say, I Say, I realize that we as english majors do something that others cannot. We enjoy the lost art of reading. Over the summer when I would go to the beach, I would be criticized for bringing a book and reading for hours by my friends. Don’t get me wrong here- I’m not saying other disciplines are wrong, but I don’t believe that a chemistry major would bring their periodic table to the beach. We take pride in our studies, and throughly enjoy doing so. Although the material we are given by professors can be a touch dry sometimes, we are able to peel it back and find things others cannot. For this, I applaud all of us, for being english majors and studying what we want to study, not what we think we should study.

    The other element to being english majors is taking the next step. Whether you want to teach, write, report, anything, english majors need to take the extra step in doing so. For example, I want to be a journalist. Being a double major in English and Communication, I thought it would be a good idea to join the newspaper, the Lamron. One day when you’re bored, pick it up sometime. You’ll find my articles in the sports section, and I always appreciate positive comments and constructive criticisms. I like it even better if you disagree with my point, and maybe we can debate about a particular topic. I always value another opinion, even if I disagree (unless you’re a Redsox or a Jets fan, then we may have to take it outside)

    My point of this post is, don’t listen to anyone who reticules your discipline of choice. Hand them your copy of Interdisciplinary and tell them to read it and see what they think, and tell them that that’s your warm up read to the real stuff (it may scare them, so use words of encouragement throughout the process).